The damaging effects of the sun's UV rays are cumulative and cause 3.5 million new basal and squamous cell cancers per year just in this country. An additional 75 thousand people are diagnosed with the more serious skin cancer, melanoma. The surgeons at Augusta Plastic Surgery are trained in both safely removing the cancer but also reconstructing the skin to create the best cosmetic result especially in visually important facial areas such around the eyes, ears, nose and lips.
Protruding ears can cause considerable social issues as a youth and even into later years reduce confidence. Women refrain from putting their hair into pony tails and men try to grow out their hair. An otoplasty can correct these ear deformities. The procedure is relatively minor with a short recovery.
Skin Lesions/Lipomas
Majority of skin lesions such as moles, cysts, and skin tags can be removed with insurance coverage. Deeper masses such as lipomas are also covered and can usually be excised with minimal scarring.
Visual field obstruction can be caused by the eyebrows being too low and also excess skin of the upper eyelid. If confirmed by a visual fields test that the brows and/or upper lids are an issue then insurance will usually cover these procedures.
Scars that are raised, visible or painful can often be corrected with scar revision techniques that make scars much less noticeable. This includes Z-plasty, resurfacing, steroid injections and other excision techniques.