Scar Revision

Scars that are raised, visible or painful can often be corrected with scar revision techniques that make scars much less noticeable. This includes Z-plasty, resurfacing, steroid injections and other excision techniques.


Often performed after massive weight loss, this procedure can remove the excess fat and skin that overlaps your lower abdomen and pubic area to relieve infections and rashes. A secondary benefit is cosmetic improvement similar to a tummy tuck. Insurance often covers this procedure.

Lower Body Lift

This procedure is usually performed on patients who have had a significant weight loss and have loose skin on the abdomen, hips, lateral thighs and buttocks. It is also called a belt lipectomy or circumferential abdominoplasty.

Umbilical Hernia Repair

Umbilical hernias often show up after pregnancy. We can correct these small defects usually at the same time as performing a tummy tuck. Insurance may cover the hernia repair but not the tummy tuck.