Using cutting edge techniques and years of experience to produce beautiful and natural results.
Breast Procedures
Cosmetic Breast Procedures
Reconstructive Breast Procedures
Facial Procedures
Cosmetic Facial Procedures
Reconstructive Facial Procedures
Body Procedures
Cosmetic Body Procedures
Reconstructive Body Procedures
Other Procedures
Steps before Surgery
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The initial consult will allow us to meet and perform an initial evaluation which will help determine which procedure is best for you. To enhance your experience and results, we use the newest technology including 3D imaging for certain procedures.
We discuss the best options for you based on your goals, risk factors and desired outcome. We will ask and answer questions based on the procedure you are interested in.
Proper planning is required to ensure you are safe for the procedure, you understand the process including risks and benefits, recovery time, and appropriate aftercare.
The procedures are performed with the utmost care, artistry and perfection in mind. We have Board Certified Plastic Surgeons with decades of experience. We operate in a AAAA Certified Surgery Center that is dedicated to only plastic surgery.
Although we cannot guarantee 100% satisfaction, the high percentage of patients who refer their family and friends and return themselves for other procedures speaks for itself.